6. Stop Stretching Your Hamstrings (UNTIL YOU WATCH!!) – Here is why you do not stretch the hamstrings in a anterior pelvic tilt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1sfPfsESDQ
I’ll post more later, but there is enough here to keep you busy for 6-12 months. I personally like pullups too. It really stretches the back and helps with upper body strength and core strength. I recommend starting out with a pull up bar and rubber elastic bands to help with the pull-ups.
For the abs it’s key not to stiffen the hip flexers which crunches do. So, make sure you do core and abs with no hipflexors. I am not a huge plank fan, but when you are weak planks work very well for the core. Here is a great plank workout. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynUw0YsrmSg